Progress Report 1: much to do


We’re eleven days into 2017, and I’ve spent most of it trying to figure out what needs to be done this year, and how I’m going to make it happen. There were a lot of things that I wanted to do last year but never finished, like redoing the CSS for my webcomics and drawing the rest of the pages for Willow’s Tale.

I put together a list of things that I want to do this year and, using those goals as the base, I’ve built up a schedule for the year. The entire year. Things may get moved around a bit later on, but I wanted the clearest starting point possible. To help with that, I also picked up a notebook to keep track of those deadlines and my day-to-day progress, which can be used to keep you all up to date on my work.

So now, we come to the meaning of this post’s title. On my deviantArt page, I’ve used my journal entries as a way to report on my progress over time, and I’m going to do that here, starting the count from the top. (My dA count will stay as it is.)

I’m going to be starting some new stories in the future, so information about them will be coming up soon. I’ll also start livestreaming regularly, starting later this month.

Progress Reports will be posted around the end of every month. I’m looking forward to a great year.